dawn jeronowitz
4 min read
Resume of a Roadie Life
When I first landed a job working for a backstage caterer at a concert venue in 1997, I had no idea it would lead me into a decades-long...

dawn jeronowitz
4 min read
Steal my published memoir? I will NOT be silent! On the contrary.
In 2001, a commonly prescribed SSRI anti-anxiety drug nearly cost me my life. The psychotic drug side effects led to me being...

dawn jeronowitz
4 min read
U.S. Immigration and Border Control: F-
Growing up in New Jersey, we took class trips to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. We learned about U.S. history and immigration....

dawn jeronowitz
12 min read
1992: My College Activism for America
NOTE: Dawn's SPEECH TEXT given at Awareness Fest 1992 is provided below, in FULL, after introduction to event details & description 1992:...

dawn jeronowitz
4 min read
My Plight for Pigs
My passion for animals and food safety led me to take a stand for pigs confined in gestation crates and suffering in factory farms. In...